The Pasadena Youth Symphony Orchestras (PYSO) All City Orchestra ensembles provide tuition-free, weekly group lessons to strings, woodwind and brass students in 4th, 5th and 6th grade who are currently in a school music program in the Pasadena Unified School District.

PYSO All City Orchestra: Strings

The All City Orchestra is an education initiative launched by the Pasadena Symphony Association in 2012 for students of the Pasadena Unified School District. The program provides small group and full ensemble instruction for students in partnership with school district faculty. This tuition-free ensemble is only eligible for PUSD students in the 3rd to 6th grades enrolled in their school music programs.

All City Orchestra Strings have an option of attending one of three sessions:

PYSO All City Orchestra: Winds

The All City Orchestra: Winds provides the All City Orchestra educational experience to beginning and intermediate Woodwind and Brass musicians enrolled in their school music programs. This tuition-free ensemble is only eligible for PUSD students in the 3rd to 6th grades enrolled in their school music programs who have been playing their instrument for at least one year. 

All City Orchestra Winds lessons will be held at:

  • San Rafael Elementary 
    1090 Nithsdale Rd
    Tuesdays starting October 1, 2024
    4th Graders: 2:15pm-3:00pm
    5th Graders: 2:15pm-3:45pm